Back in the saddle

07 mai 2014

Goals from months past...

So, at first I wanted to do a monthly goal recap, at the very least. And I couldn't even reach that!

Moreover, most of my goals from January are still on my list now. I have no real excuses concerning that and I'm very annoyed at myself for not being able to complete these meager goals in four-five months time. Booooo me.

Learn and read

  1. Read Style Statement by Danielle Laporte. > not completed at all, although I worked through it for a while.
  2. Read the book on neurosciences and education for professional development. > not completed, it moved from my shelf to my desk tho. Improvement!
  3. Read Wuthering Heights > DONE. Yeah! I really enjoyed it. But it felt like reading the story of an abused house, which it is in a way. 
I think it shows I'm a classics and fiction books reader. I demonstrates also that I decreased the amount of my reading dramatically since becoming a young professional. I thought it would never happen to me but it has! 

Obviously I read a lot online, and I read some other books that weren't on the list (Sherlock Holmes adventures, graphic novels, tales) and that took less time and effort than those books listed above.


Go 3 times a week to the gym. > still working on that : I've been ill and absent or way lazy. 


I'm walking the shame lane by rereading these goals. I just have this tiny hope that one day I'll look back and think : how could I not give importance to reading and writing?

Finish my photos from 2013! ie. treat them in Lightroom and print them. > I've been working on those. My problem is that I have to be in my office to work on the pictures, at my desk. And I don't like that. So, I've started talking to my boyfriend so we could install Lightroom on my laptop so that I could work on the pics more often.

Unpredicted successes!

Because they happen too!

Learn and read

  • I used iMovie and fell in love with the app to create a video in French and in English to present my school.We used the video during a presentation to our foreign partners when we visited them in Germany (with the Comenius program). We were so proud the students rocked the presentation my colleague and I worked on for two months. Additionally, we had a lovely time in Germany.
  • I took my sewing machine out, and not only decreased my pile of "to mend" clothes but I also made some curtains. Those curtains are for a secret project I can't reveal right now, but I'm really excited about it.


I went skiing during the half-term in March. That counts for sports, right?

This is not going very well at all as I keep taking photos but don't edit them, publish them or print them. 


We watched a lot of good movies. My favorite was Only lovers left alive. I can only encourage you to listen to this "oriental rock" in the soundtrack if you want a taste of the movie.

Impromptu Hiatus

Hello friends,

It's been a while. That's all I can say. Sorry ya all.

