Discovery : Cosmic Fantaisie (radio show)

05 janvier 2014

So I know we're talking English here but this radio show has a gorgeous soundtrack and a theme I love : the Moon. 

We are all aware that the Moon is a symbol of womanhood, given we're supposed to mimic its cycle with our cycles. It has positive and negative interpretations of course, like most old symbols. I'd like to focus on the positive ones : (creative) gestation, rest, mystery, intuition etc.

Why is it relevant to us this month, this year? Well, maybe you noticed that this year was somehow placed under the Moon guidance, as the full Moon was on the 1rst of January. It is apparently rare. I wasn't aware of it until a few days after the New Year Eve but I still appreciate its significance (I love symbols!).

Anyways, back to the radio show. First, the soundtrack is really good, secondly I love this kind of "conceptual" shows, where what is important is the ambiance not the information, where the show becomes a journey into an event and an exploration of feelings.

My favourite (I often have favourites) song, which was a discovery for me is :

Sing to the moon
by Laura Mvula

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