What's ahead : monthly goals - January

13 janvier 2014

So, I know we're already half way through (or almost) the month. I'll nevertheless state my monthly goals! Enthusiasm! Fun! Let's do this!

Monthly Goals

Learn and read

  1. I want to read Style Statement by Danielle Laporte*. This is about finding a phrase that defines you. You work through the book (there are worksheets) and at the end you have something like a mantra that helps you define your clothing style, the way you want to decorate your house and this spreads to the way you interact with people or work. I like everything that has to do with designing your identity and I've been trying to define my personal fashion style for a while. i hope this will help me achieve it. Susannah Conway, who worked through the book and advised it in Unravelling, has created a board on Pinterest about her statement "Creative Sensual".
  2. Also on my list : the book on neurosciences and education I bought during my training with Pascale Toscani, a researcher. This is professional development. 
  3. Hopefully, I'll manage to cram in Wuthering Heights too. I've seen the adaptation by Andrea Arnold and it just triggered my curiosity about this classic piece. I've been actively reading Jane Austen and the book Jane Eyre and seen countless adaptation of these works. It's my guilty pleasure!

Something I didn't put in my goals is "sports".

I started at the end of last year, joining a gym.
I'll try to go 3 times a week, managed at least twice a week since the beginning of the month. Not too bad!


  1. I'd like to finish my short story I started for my writing club. 
  2. For the blog, it would be lovely to post at least 4 posts this month (starting small). I'd like to finish the installation of my new design and create a French version.
  3. I also want to start a page in my own name, so that I'm not totally invisible if you do a Google search (so vain!). 

I need to finish my photos from 2013! ie. treat them in Lightroom and print them. Hopefully I'll show you some.

Mea Culpa

I do realize these kind of posts are really dry to read. It might be inspirational to see what other people are up to but we don't really learn something new, we don't go on improving our culture that way. Some other type of posts will come.

* Now, I don't know if you've heard of her. She's a blogger considered to be like super influential and has quite a big following ( around 75000 people on Twitter for instance). I don't particularly "get" her. I find she's got a lot of good ideas but I don't like the way she sells them or the price she sells it at!

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